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Dr. John Stewart: Regulator Design (Blog – 3)

We have recently developed a new highly linear (to 1%) current regulator design for enhanced constant current control range and linearity, which is now in all new devices (colloidal waters generators). The electrical current will now range from 6 milliAmperes to 65 mA. 6 mA will be best for the smallest nanoparticles and 65 mA for Gold and Platinum. The control knob will indicate a linear relationship to the current, unlike our older designs. The new control modification also includes two options
1) A pair of output connector jacks with which to monitor electrodes current using any small external multimeter, which we also sell.
2) Front panel digital LED display of current through the electrodes.

Germanium energies are included the circuit inside the circuit using a Germanium crystal diode.